霉霉是典型的“明明可以靠天赋,偏偏却很努力”型选手,除了在专辑和演唱会之间连轴转,还在她的个人纪录片《Miss Americana》中展现了拼命三娘的毅力。经常凌晨4点还在写歌的她,对这份工...
“I am handling the attention pretty well,” Kuzma said before a game against the host Washington Wizards last week. “I’ve never been one tolive up to the hype. I’ve never had it before ever in my life. I’m just doing what got me here. Be humbl...
你的恩情我没齿难忘。 24、 How can I show you how grateful I am? 你不知道我是多么的感激你! 25、 Your generosity overwhelms me、 谢谢你的慷慨帮助。 26、 I truly appreciate you、 真诚感谢你。 27、 I appreciate your time、 谢谢你抽时间帮我忙。 28、 Tha...
Me time is an expression which means time we have for ourselves to do just what we want. Yes, I really do need some me time. Feifei:Me time 这个表达的意思是属于自己的、用来...
更多内容请点击:一首歌10分钟还破了纪录?除了音乐,Taylor Swift还很会穿 推荐文章